Veit nú ekki alveg hvort lýsingin stemmi, en liturinn er pottþéttur, varð soldið hissa að fá þetta svar samt, þar sem bleikur er jú uppáhalds liturinn minn;)
You are the color pink. As a beautiful and sweet
human, you are everybody's favorite person.
Healthy and energetic, you're often seen
spreading the happines. As an unusually
charming and sweet person, you're always ready
to comfort people who are down. You sympathize
with everyone, but not always yourself. Aside
from that, you are light-hearted and cheery.
And you make it your duty to make every cloud
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
sunnudagur, október 10, 2004
Kemur á óvart!
Birt af Gagga Guðmunds kl. 03:45
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